Purpose: Various therapies and activities are utilized to treat of dementia in clinical situations. An assessment scale for engagement that can be easily applied in clinical situations and studies is required to plan an effective strategy for such patients and evaluate the treatment efficacy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Menorah park engagement scale (K-MPES) for patients with dementia. Methods: The original MPES was translated into Korean based on the translation guidelines by World Health Organization’s translation guidelines. A total of 200 patients with dementia were included from two long-term hospitals to help verify the tool’s validity and reliability. Results: The K-MPES presented a uni-dimensional model with a good model fit and showed adequate convergent validity (AVE>.5) and construct reliability (CR>.7) in the confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. The significant correlation between K-MPES and the exiting scales (QOL-AD and CSDD) confirmatory discriminant validity. Cronbach s ⍺ coefficients (.90), test-retest (p<.001), and inter-rater (p<.001) contained appropriated reliability. Conclusion: The K-MPES is a valid and reliable scale to measure engagement for patients with dementia in South Korea. The finding of this study can contribute toward improving the efficacy of activities and quality of care with personalized care planning for patients with dementia.
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