최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Drivers Avoidance Behavior When Passing by Mobility-Impaired People and Characteristics: To Discuss the Driver’s Education Related to the Protection of Pedestrians

In this study, we researched the driving behavior when a healthy person, a personwith visual impairment, a person in wheelchair, a senior citizen, and a mother with a toddler was walking on the right side of the road where there is no separation between the road and sidewalk. The location of observation was (1) 50m to the pedestrian, (2) when the vehicle is passing the pedestrian, (3) 30m after passing the pedestrian, and at each point, the distance between the pedestrian and the vehicle and the velocity of the vehicle was measured. The average distance and velocity at observation point 2 and 3 is calculated with the value of observation point 1 as 100%. However, at observation point 2, vehicles who drove under 10km were determined as outliner and it was excluded from calculating the average. At observation point 2, the distance betweenthe pedestrian and the vehicle was the shortest for a healthy person (131%). On the other hand, there were many drivers who drove double the distance away from the observation point 1 for a person with visual impairment (208%) and a mother with a toddler (215%). As for the velocity, it was 86% for a healthy person where as it was 72% for a person in wheelchair and a senior citizen, 63% for a mother with a toddler, and 60% for a person with visual impairment. Some vehicles stopped or almost stopped when passing a person with visual impairment. Also, some vehicle honked when passing a person with visual impairment.


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Method

Ⅲ. Results

Ⅳ. Discussion

