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KCI우수등재 학술저널

민법개정안 채무불이행법에 관한 검토

A Critical Approach to the Korean Civil Code Revision Draft on the Effect of Non-Performance

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The greater part of the Korean Civil Code Revision Draft on the Effect of Non-Performance is modelled on the German Civil Code: (1) The creditor has a right to demand for the performance in accordance with the obligation or for the cure the non-conformity, and (2) Remedies available at the Korean Civil Law Revision Draft are expectation damages and reliance damages measured by the amount of money necessary to compensate for expenses in the case of breach of contract. From the point of form and substances, the Korean Civil Code Revision Draft has failes to lead satisfaction to all. The reasons are twofold. The first is that the juridicial understanding of the Korean Civil is still not sufficient enough to draft a revised one, and the second raised through the lack of procedural legitimation. The way to have a good and perfect Civil Code is long and hard to reach. Only with patience and well-intentioned effort we can reach this goal.

Ⅰ. 민법개정안 채무불이행법을 연구하며

Ⅱ. 민법개정안 채무불이행법의 검토

Ⅲ. 민법개정안에서 드러난 개정작업의 어려움들

Ⅳ. 글을 마치며

