최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI우수등재 학술저널

친족법의 제·개정 경과와 과제

The Legislation, Revision Progress and Problem of the Family Law

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The Family law was legislated in February 22, 1958 as law No . 471 and then came into effect in January 1, 1960. The Family law was revised many times to realize gender equality and child welfare. Patriarchal family system was abolished. The identification registry law was newly legislated. The prohibition rule of marriage among people with the same surname and the same family o rigin was co nverted into the intermarriage pro hibitio n rule. The system of biological child and adopted child and the change system o f family name and family o rigin were newly established. Fo r child welfare, family court’s guardianship intervention was reinforced. The procedure of agreed divorce was improved. Breakdo wn system must be intro duced as a cause o f co urt divo rce. The procedure of court divorce must be classified. And it is necessary to introduce the post-divorce ex-spouse support law and the system of court separation. The investigator suggests that common-law marriage spouses must be included in the scope of rightful person for the contributive portion in the law of succession. The investigator agrees with that the Family law must be revised and when a person in single custody died, family court can designate another perso n. It is necessary to newly legislate such a rule that a perso n in jo int custody and fostering ‘can independently decide things which are related to the everyday life of minors.’ In virtue of its office, family court can adjudge the loss of custody. The investigator hopes that the adulthood guardianship bill will be passed quickly. In order to guarantee the effect of custody-related ruling, it is necessary to establish so me restrictive means. The exemption law of promotion and procedure of adoption must be revised to the direction of regulating adoption agencies, welfare policies for adopted children, and the responsibility of central and local governments. It is seemingly necessary to unify all the rules on the requirement, procedure and effect of adoption into the civil law.

Ⅰ. 처음에

Ⅱ. 친족법의 제정

Ⅲ. 친족법의 개정 경과

Ⅳ. 친족법의 과제

Ⅴ. 맺음말

