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KCI우수등재 학술저널

본인서명사실확인제도에 관한 연구

A Study on a Signature Verification System

  • 12

The government reviews to reduce the scope of a Seal Impression Certificate System and repel the Seal Impression Certificate System itself in a positive aspect. As an alternative to them, the government considers introducing a Signature Verification System, given a reaction to global era, enhancement of the people s convenience and the situation of the times where signature culture is being taken a position. The issues of whether the Seal Impression Certificate System should be maintained or repelled and whether Signature Verification System should be introduced or not is a matter of policy-decision. And in the matter of policy-decision, it is important how to set a criterion for such policy decision. That is to say, I suggest some criteria : contribution to enhancement of the people s satisfaction, improvement in functions guaranteeing the reliability of transactions and a business efficiency of an official in charge of the Signature Verification System after introducing the System. Signature Verification System has an overlapping relation with notarization in its function. In connection with an issue of whether or not Signature Verification System is allowed comparing to seal impression, the System would be allowed, given the people s familarity and the easiness of comparison confirmation by the authorities concerned. The major factors of a Signature Verification System form should include address, name, Resident Registration Number, signature(or seal impression) and intended use. In the case of being incapable of visiting smaller local autonomous bodies, such as Eup, Myon and Dong, as an alternative to Signature Verification System, the government could consider allowing for a Proxy, given the people s convenience.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 인감증명제도 운영현황과 문제점

Ⅲ. 본인서명등사실확인제도의 방향성

Ⅳ. 본인서명사실확인제 서식(안)의 구성

Ⅴ. 결론

