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KCI우수등재 학술저널

금융실명제하에서의 예금주의 확정

The Settlement on the Account Holder under the Real-Name Financial Transaction System

  • 20

When the nominal holder and contributor are dividd on the deposit, the settlement on who is the interested party triggers the complicated problem. From August, 12, 1993, the real-name financial transaction system has been activated through the president emergency financial and economic order. Before that system, not the nominal holder but the contributor was deemed as the interested party. But After that system, the interpretation on article 2-4 of the above president emergency order and article 3-1 of the Real-Name Financial Transaction Act has been devided about the private law effect of those articles. When those articles are comparaed with the articles of the Real-Name of Real Property Owner Act, those articles do not make the financial transaction ineffective. However those articles should be interpreted to anticipate the intention of the banker. The settlement on the account holder between the nominal holder and the contributor is only the process concerning the interpretation the intentions of the deposit contract parties.

[사안의 개요]

[소송의 경과]

[판결 요지]


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 예금자보호법 상의 예금자의 개념과 대법원판례상의 예금자의 개념

Ⅲ. 금융실명법에서 (합의)차명예금

Ⅳ. 예금주 확정에 관한 기준

Ⅴ. 결론

