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KCI우수등재 학술저널

의사의 과실에 의한 임신·출산·출생에 따른 손해배상책임

The Liability of Medical Doctors for Damages caused by Wrongful Pregnancy·Birth·Life- A Overview of Precedents in Korea -

  • 9

Among birth-related torts, in the case of that an unwanted child is being pregnant or is born caused by medical malpractice, parents or children bring lawsuits against medical doctors or health care providers for damages. These actions are called as claims for damages resulting from unwanted children in general. These actions for damages resulting from unwanted children can be divided into wrongful pregnancy, wrongful birth and wrongful life. Since the actions for damages resulting from an unwanted child has been discussed in practice at first the end of the 1970 s in Korea, the courts were sentenced about ten cases for damages resulting from wrongful conception, wrongful birth and wrongful life until in the concrete. As the results of these cases, most of judgments not allow the medical malpractice or they only allow the pretium doloris(Schmerzengeld) damages resulting from breach of informed consent and financial loss including the medical expenses and other necessary expenditures during the pregnancy which is permitted by 「The Mother and Child Health Law」. On the other hand, it seems negative for financial loss including the child-rearing, education costs and loss of expected income. Above all, the damages for child-rearing costs is on the contrary to the legal sentiments of the public or the public policy and customs of the community. In addition, it seems to be recognized as undervaluing human dignity because the actions regard children as objects of assessable property or damages. It is, however, an erroneous conclusion which is derived from the ignorance of distinction between the new source of damage and the damage itself which can be taken place with the development of medicine and medical technology. The damage resulting from an unwanted child is not different from other medical malpractice-oriented damage. Likewise, the legal principle of damages for an unwanted child is not greatly different from other general principles of damages as well. The amount of damages calculated by each claims is finally accounted on the basis of the application of fault offset rule, benefits rule, and of liability limitation rule which has been approved by courts in Korea. If the amount of damages including child-rearing costs is exceeds the doctor s fault, it can be reduced by the principle of damages adjustment in the light of fair and just sharing of losses. This solution corresponds with the idea of corrective justice on which law of damages is based.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 손해배상책임의 성립

Ⅲ. 손해배상의 범위

Ⅳ. 손해배상액의 산정 및 조정

Ⅴ. 맺음말

