생명과학 Ⅰ의 ‘유전’ 영역에 대한 실시간 상호작용가능 원격 수업을 위한 디지털 교재 개발
Development of A Digital Textbook for Remote Class with Realtime Interaction on Genetics in Life Science Ⅰ
- 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소
- Brain, Digital, & Learning
- 제11권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2021.06
- 245 - 258 (14 pages)
The purpose of this study was to develop a digital textbooks of the ‘Genetics’ unit, a part of Life Sciences I in high school to evoke students’ motivation to learn the micro object. In addition, the digital textbook was designed to be applied in the remote class with realtime interaction based on the iBooks Author as a authoring tool with diverse widgets. Specifically, the realtime remote class was applied the Zoom platform as the online teaching and learning tool with a realtime interaction among teacher and students. The introduction section of the digital textbook was made and provided a Zoom button to interact among teacher and students and some video clips related to life science curriculum contents to enhance students immersion in learning. Each page was included digital contents such as gallery widgets, media widgets, presentation widgets, and interactive widgets for learning genetics. Furthermore, a bingo game using the Hype 3 was developed to evoke student’s learning motivation on the Mendel s laws of independence. At the end of the section, the digital textbook was provided a page to summarize the learning content using the sketch widget. The developed digital textbook has been evaluated as a positive educational material for learning the genetic in the untact and remote class situation with realtime interaction. Furthermore, the digital textbooks could be provided a useful and valuable learning resource for self-directed learning in life science.
Conclusions and Implications