최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

디지털 미디어 시대의 사회과 리터러시 교육

Literacy Education in Social Studies in the Digital Media Era

DOI : 10.31216/BDL.20210011
  • 752

This study has been done to describe the characteristics of social problems in the digital media era and suggest the educational alternatives. For this, this study examined what kinds of problems there are which caused by the development of digital technologies and the results are as follows. Firstly, individual-centered society is being formed and the influence of the media on human consciousness is being extended. Secondly, the subjectivity of human-beings is weakened and the data sovereignty problems happen. Thirdly, the post-truth phenomenon is expanding. To solve these problems, education to foster the digital citizenship by making students acquire the literacy suitable for the digital society is needed. This study suggests the literacy education methods in Social Studies as follows. Firstly, both zoom-in and zoom-out strategies should be used together in the learning process and value access to the technologies should be recommended as well. Secondly, data sovereignty education should be reinforced to make the students recognize their right as a data subject and practice it. Thirdly, literacy classes using the news should be expanded to make adolescents recognize their habituated superfcial and biased reading problems and get out of those tendencies.


The Social Characteristics of the Digital Media Era

Literacy Education Implementation in Social Studies

Conclusion and Implication

