The act on real name in real property has been in force since 1995. This legislated against real property trust in name only and the state provided that real property trust in name only is ineffective in a real right change. Although, many people perform a real property trust in name only. Why that is so? I think that they are ready to accept surcharge and a penalty. Because they believe that if a truster bring a civil action against a trustee, a truster get back a real property trust in name only from a trustee. To solve complex legal problems about real property trust in name only, a real property trust remained in null that by the act on real name in real property is belong to whom must provide that the law of real name in real property For the purpose of such, this thesis will look into the following order. First, I will study about historical change of real property trust in name only. Second, I will consider notion and effect of real property trust in name only. Third, I will examine about patterns and the legal relations through cases of real property trust in name only. Forth, I will propose several kinds about real property trust in name only.
Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 名義信託과 그 效力
Ⅲ. 不動産實名法이 禁하는 名義信託의 類型
Ⅳ. 結論