최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

농촌 지역거주 노인을 대상으로 한 허약관리 프로그램의 효과

A Frailty Management Program for the Vulnerable Elderly in Rural Areas

DOI : 10.22715/jkarhn.2021.16.1.18
  • 51

Purpose: This study attempted to confirm whether the suicide prevention effect could be achieved by managing the frailty of the elderly in rural areas. Methods: This study is a single-group pre-post study design. The frailty management program was applied twice a week for 12 weeks for the vulnerable elderly in the rural area from 16th April to 31st May in 2020. The program consisted of physical exercise, health education on nutrition management and disease control, cognitive training, and protein drink provision. Results: The average age of the participants was 77.1 years, and they lived alone (88.6%). As a result of providing the program, there were positive results such as increase in body strength (pre 12.27: post 13.27) and weight (pre 58.51: post 59.13), and decrease in depression (pre 4.66: post 1.20), and there was no statistically significant change in quality of life, Time Up & Go, and BMI. Conclusion: Frailty should be managed to prevent suicide in the elderly. It is necessary to expand and apply various programs that combine physical functions and emotional interventions such as health education, and exercise to maintain muscle strength.


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