최근 검색어 전체 삭제

The Kingdom of God and Its Implications to Eschatology and Social Responsibility

  • 16

Eschatology is not purely limited to the future for it has present implications. A key to understanding the interrelatedness of the present and future aspects of eschatology is found in the theology of the kingdom of God. Some thinkers endorse the idea that the kingdom of God is a future reality, while others believe it is a present spiritual experience. The view of the kingdom of God that is focused in the future had been criticized to detach Christians from the present realities of life and had disengaged us from our social responsibilities. On the other hand, the view of the kingdom of God that is solely interested in the present realities tends to ignore biblical data that present the kingdom of God as both a present and a future reality. This study provides a framework in creating an awareness that the correct understanding of the kingdom of God is a present and future reality, therefore has a bearing on how we live today and impact our social actions as we anticipate the future kingdom of glory.

Different Perspectives on the Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God and Its Implications to Social Responsibility

Eschatology and Social Responsibility as Found in the Scriptures


