최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

中国大学体育的现状与法律政策课题: 以竞技体育为中心

The Status Quo of College-Sports in China and The Issues of Legal and Policy: Focusing on Athletic Sports

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大学竞技体育是指,大学通过招收有一定体育特长和爱好的学生运动员,并且 提高他们的竞技运动水平,以参加校际竞技体育比赛为主,创造优异运动成绩的 一种教育过程。自1986年中国开展大学竞技体育以来,高校在培养学生运动员 方面取得了一定成绩,但仍存在不少问题,诸如经费来源有限、运动员招收渠道狭窄、大学体育竞赛机制落后、大学体育管理组织效率低下等等。有鉴于此,本 文首先对中国20年来高校培养高水准运动员的经验与存在的问题进行了总结与 回顾,然后在此基础上,参照国际上大学竞技体育发达国家的经验,对中国大学 体育的未来提出了新的发展方向。 本文认为,繁荣的大学体育是一笔无法估量的国家财富。中国大学体育尤其是现代大学竞技体育的发展时间较短,必然存在诸多不甚理想的地方。我们应该本 着促进大学体育社会化、市场化、法制化、竞技水平先进化的基本目标,在总结 以往发展过程中大学竞技体育问题点的基础上,同时借鉴发达国家大学体育发展 的优秀经验,建立并完善大学体育的法律法规政策体系,完善管理体制、竞赛机 制、经费筹集机制,加强理念创新以及保障运动员的合法权利,从而促进中国大学体育的蓬勃发展,为学生、学校、国家、社会的全面进步贡献应有的力量。

The college athletic sports refers to a special education process, in this process, some student-athletes who are entitled to sports specialty are admitted by colleges and colleges provide them with sports-related education to improve their athletic level to obtain excellent achievements in the sports competitions, mostly among colleges. Since 1986 when China started college athletic sports, some achievements have been attained in terms of the cultivation of student-athletes. However, problems also come along with these achievements, such as, the finite source of funds, the narrow channel of students-recruiting, the lagging system of college-sports competitions, the inefficient management and organization of college sports and so on. Under these circumstances mentioned above, this article will firstly retrospect and make a summary of experience and existing problems of cultivating high-level student-athletes in the past 20 years. Then some useful relative experience of developed countries will be discussed. Finally, this paper will present a new direction for the future of college athletic sports. According to this essay, the prosperous college-sports would be, without any doubt, an invaluable education fortune. In China, as the college-sports, especially the modern college athletic sports, only enjoys a short time of development, it is well understood that there exists many problems during the process of development. Faced with such a situation, we should set the socialization, marketization, legalization and advanced athletic level as the basic goal of college-sports. To achieve this goal, this paper will analyze based on the summary of existing drawbacks of college-sports in China, the necessity of learning the excellent experience of college-sports from developed countries. Some measures discussed in this paper should be adopted, including establishing the legal and policy system, optimizing competition mechanism and the system of funds-raising, and perfecting the mode of management. Of course, it is also needed to strengthen the idea innovation, so does the protection of the student-athletes’ legitimate right. Equipped with these measures, this paper’s ultimate purpose is to make some contributions to the flourish of the college-sports in China and the comprehensive progress of students, colleges, our country and the society.





