This paper analyzes the conditions and factors that had determined in 1884–1910 the attention paid by L.N. Tolstoy to TAO-TE-KING. The aim of L.N. Tolstoy was to find the true teaching of God in the Chinese philosophy. Adduced are the attitudes and appraisals given by the scholars, and interpreters. The literature on the Tolstoyan movement is also analyzed. In many interpretations of TAO-TE-KING, we can see that Taoism was replaced Tolstoyism. Such interpretations as follows: Tao (道): «Бог» (God), «Путь» (Way), «Разум» (Reason), «Закон Бога» (Law of God) and even «Любовь» (Love), «неделание» (not doing), «смирение» (humility), «неделание другому, чего не хочешь, чтобы тебе делали» (not doing to another, what you don’t want to be done to you) and again «неделание» (not doing). According to L.N. Tolstoy’s interpretations of TAO-TE-KING, the essence of Lao-tzu’s teaching is the same as the essence of Christian teaching. The essence of both is in manifestation through abstaining from everything bodily, of divine beginning, which is the basis of human life.”
1. Introduction
2. L.N. Tolstoy’s interpretations of the early Taoism
3. The evolution of the interpretation of main categories of Taoism by L.N. Tolstoy
4. Conclusion