최근 검색어 전체 삭제

The Communist Movement for the Liberation of Korea from the Japanese Yoke of Soviet Koreans

DOI : 10.33213/jts.2021.4.1.25
  • 6

This article is devoted to the struggle of the Soviet Korean-communists (Irkutsk group) for the independence of Korea. The article is intended to describe the contribution of one of the most significant and combative forces of the Korean national liberation movement abroad to its development in Korea. The article shows the role of Soviet Korean-communists as initiators of many decisive events in the Korean struggle against Japanese colonialism, organizers of national communist organizations. The members of the Communist Party of Korea, founded in May 1921 in Irkutsk based on the Korean communist organizations of Siberia and the Far East, were prominent figures of the Comintern. They advocated the urgency of the national liberation, called for an armed struggle against Japanese imperialism, the core and leading force of which was to be the Korean Communist Party.

1. Introduction

2. Dissolution of the Irkutsk and Shanghai Groups and Establishment of a Korean Bureau at the far East Department of the Ecci.

3. Dissolution of the Korean Bureau and Formation of the Korean COMPANY (APRIL 1925)

4. The Ideological Leadership of the Foreign Bureau of the Central Committee of the Kcp. the Inspirers of the 1926 June Demonstration IN KOREA

5. Dissolution of the Korean Company. Repressions of Korean Communists IN THE USSR

6. Conclusion
