최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

경륜·경정산업의 발전방안을 위한 경륜·경정법에 관한 고찰

A Study on the Bicycle and Boat Racing Act for Development Plan of Bicycle and Boat Racing Industry

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경륜·경정은 사행적 측면도 있지만, 경륜·경정법의 목적규정에서 보듯이 국민의 여가선용과 청소년의 건전육성 및 국민체육진흥을 도모하는 것이므로 경륜·경정을 게임산업, 여가산업 또는 내기 스포츠의 일종이라는 관점에서 접근하였다. 또한 경륜·경정법은 지방제정 확충을 위한 재원을 마련하여 경륜·경정 경기의 수준향상에 이바지하여야 하므로 이와 관련된 경륜·경정법의 장외매장의 축소가 야기하는 문제는 장외매장을 통한 수익의 상당부분이 체육기금에 충당되므로 장외매장의 축소는 체육재정에 심각한 문제를 야기할 우려가 있다. 그리고 ID 카드를 통하여 일일구매 상한액에 대하여 통제하려는 것은 프라이버시 내지 사생활의 비밀을 침해할 우려가 있으며, 다른 불법, 도박이나 해외원정도박 등으로 옮겨가는 부작용이 예상된다. 이와 같은 시각을 바탕으로 본고에서는 경륜·경정산업의 활성화와 발전방안을 위하여 경륜·경정법에 관한 경륜·경정사업의 정책과제, 경륜사업 운영 관리의 기본 방향, 경륜장 및 장외 매장의 공급 방안, 경륜장 시설 이용 확대 방안, 경륜 심판과 경륜선수 양성 및 개선방안 등의 문제점을 고찰하였다.

The major issues of Bicycle and Boat Racing Act are to newly build the foundation rule for an over-the-counter market and establish a base of the limitation of the number of coming in and out to the over-the-counter market in order to make strengthening the permission process of over-the-counter markets. It is not reasonable that such bicycle and boat racing is only a type of speculative businesses to solve the problem existed in these issues. Although, such bicycle and boat racing presents certain speculative aspects, this study approaches to this business as a type of betting sports based on the fact that the objective of Bicycle and Boat Racing Act is to promote people’s recreational activities. In addition, a certain control of the least upper bound of daily purchasing amounts using and ID card will cause the violation of the privacy and some side effects, such as other illegal gambles or overseas gambles. Thus, it is necessary to present certain circumspections in the enactment of legislation due to the fact that the revised Bicycle and Boat Racing Act. The purpose of this study is to present several plans so that bicycle and boat racing can be established in Korea in the future as one of sound leisure industry. The first, the policy of bicycle and boat racing business shall be established by relieving the advantages of bicycle and boat racing in comparison with horse racing, motorboat racing and casino. The second, actual study on the demand and supply plan of velodrome shall be required to develop bicycle and boat racing equally in all of districts. The third, the organization and manpower of bicycle and boat racing business headquarters are insufficient, the capacity to create reinvestment funds is lack, and the facilities of velodrome are not suitable, which these situations disturb the fair operation and smooth distribution of bicycle and boat racing business, thus the former problems shall be improved constantly. The fourth, bicycle and boat racing training institute shall be founded in order to solve the short of player and judge caused by the constant supply of velodrome, and to train excellent players through high-quality training. The fifth, businessmen related with bicycle and boat racing shall create Player’s Association and Mutual Aid Union to offer retirement pension, handicapped person pension, living expenses and medical fee for injury received during racing or training in the welfare aspect so that pro-cycling players can believe firmly in the living of player.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 경륜·경정의 현황과 특성

Ⅲ. 경륜·경정의 공익적 측면에서 본 경륜·경정법의 문제점

Ⅳ. 맺음말
