최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

직업건강간호 활성화 방안에 관한 델파이 연구

A Delphi Study on Plans to Revitalize Occupational Health Nursing at Industrial Worksites

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Purpose: The study aimed to identify plans to revitalize occupational health nursing at industrial worksites. Methods: First, a literature review was conducted to derive the questions. Next, we used the Delphi method with two rounds to obtain experts’ opinions. The 15 expert participants were seven occupational health nurses and eight professors from nursing colleges. Results: The analysis of opinions indicated that occupational health nurses should be competent in clinical nursing care to perform health management and health promotion activities of workers. It is necessary to develop high-quality occupational nursing services that can prevent and manage occupational diseases and work-related illnesses. Moreover, an improved system for stable employment of these nurses should be implemented. Conclusion: This study confirmed that occupational health nursing is an independent and important area for improving workers disease prevention and health promotion. It will provide basic data for initiating occupational health nursing and expanding the role of the occupational health nurses.

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