최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Insomnia, Anxiety, and Depression in Patients First Diagnosed With Female Cancer

DOI : 10.30773/pi.2021.0090
  • 3

Objective This study evaluated whether insomnia, anxiety, and depression differ by type of gynecological or breast cancer. Methods From September 7, 2011, to July 14, 2015, this study included 232 patients who were diagnosed with gynecological or breast cancer for the first time. The severity of insomnia, anxiety, and depression was measured with the National Cancer Center Psychological Symptom inventory (NCC-PSI), a self-reported scale, at the first outpatient visit after surgery. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to identify which diagnosis was associated with significant symptom levels. Results Patients with ovarian cancer and breast cancer reported more severe insomnia and problems with daily life compared with cervical cancer patients. Anxiety symptoms were more distressing among breast cancer patients than cervical cancer patients, and the degree of interference in daily life was severe. Finally, compared to those with cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and breast cancer patients reported more severe depression, and their daily life was disrupted more often than reported by cervical cancer patients. Conclusion Many female cancer patients are suffering distress but are not looking for specialized care. Psychiatric approach in the early stages of cancer diagnosis is needed and will require overcoming the stigmas of mental illness and cancer.




