상악골 과성장을 보이는 성장기 II급 환자의 상방 견인 헤드기어와 확장장치를 이용한 조기 악정형 치료
Early Orthopedic Treatment of a Class II Adolescent Patient with Maxillary Excess Using a High Pull Headgear and Expansion Appliances
- 대한치과교정학회
- 대한치과교정학회 임상저널
- 11권 3호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.09
- 243 - 252 (10 pages)
This case report is about a growing patient with Class II division 1 malocclusion, showing 10 mm overjet, complete overbite and maxillary excess. Treatment included rapid palatal expansion to correct the transverse maxillary deficiency and high pull headgear to restrict maxillary growth simultaneously. Also, 2 × 4 appliance was used on the maxillary teeth to reduce overjet and overbite and removable active plate was used to reduce mandibular crowding. After 19 months of treatment, A-point reduction, expansion of maxillary dental arch, retraction of the maxillary incisors, total intrusion of the maxillary dental arch and decrease of the anterior overjet and overbite was achieved. The counter-clockwise rotation of the mandible was spontaneously occurred. This case report presents and discusses the effect of high pull headgear with RME in growing Class II division 1 patient.
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