The Oriental thought does not stay in self, society, or state, but goes further to expand its bounds as “Chunha(the World, 天下)”, which is not just the spacious expansion but the moral expansion. It provides a clue to overcome the limitations of the Western international political thought resulting in nationalistic tendencies. Such a cosmopolitcan orientation in the East can be found in the concepts of “Wangdo(Just Way, 王道)”, “Yinjung(Benevolent politics, 仁政)”, which make Hua(harmony, 和) its essential characteristics. If the East Asian community is formed, it should be based on universal principles that all East Asian citizens can sympathize with from below, not in a one-sided and coercive way. In this regard, the formation of “Sahaeyilga(四海一家, We are the world)”, the “Chunha天下” based on the philosophy of the peace seeking ‘similarity’ in ‘difference’, can provide philosophical clues to resolve the conflicts and contradictions of the current isolationalist and confrontational international situation.
Ⅰ. 동양적 개념과 그 세계주의적 지향
Ⅱ. 사해일가, 천하와 왕도정치
Ⅲ. 사해일가와 ‘화和’의 철학
Ⅳ. 동북아시아시민사회 구축과 ‘화’ 철학의 현대적 응용