Use of Green Tea Extract and Rosemary Extract in Naturally Cured Pork Sausages with White Kimchi Powder
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Food Science of Animal Resources 제41권 제5호
- 2021.09
- 840 - 854 (15 pages)
The impact of green tea extract powder and rosemary extract powder, alone or in combination, on the quality characteristics of naturally cured pork sausages produced with white kimchi powder as a nitrate source was evaluated. Ground pork sausages were assigned to one of seven treatments: control (0.01% sodium nitrite and 0.05% sodium ascorbate), treatment 1 (0.3% white kimchi powder and 0.05% green tea extract powder), treatment 2 (0.3% white kimchi powder and 0.1% green tea extract powder), treatment 3 (0.3% white kimchi powder and 0.05% rosemary extract powder), treatment 4 (0.3% white kimchi powder and 0.1% rosemary extract powder), treatment 5 (0.3% white kimchi powder, 0.05% green tea extract powder, and 0.05% rosemary extract powder), and treatment 6 (0.3% celery juice powder, 0.05% green tea extract powder, and 0.05% rosemary extract powder). Naturally cured products had lower (p<0.05) cooking yield and residual nitrite content than control sausages. However, compared to the control, naturally cured products with white kimchi powder (treatments 1 to 5) showed similar the pH, oxidation-reduction potential, CIE L* values, CIE a* values, nitrosyl hemochrome content, total pigment content, and curing efficiency to the control. When the amount of green tea extract powder or rosemary extract powder was increased to 0.1% (treatments 2 and 4), lipid oxidation was reduced (p<0.05). These results indicate that green tea extract powder, rosemary extract powder, and white kimchi powder may provide an effective solution to replace synthetic nitrite and ascorbate used in traditionally cured products.
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
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