최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일개 상급종합병원 의료종사자의 주사침 자상 노출 특성 및 추적 현황

Characteristics and Trace Status of Needlestick Injuries of Health Care Workers in a Tertiary Hospital in Korea

DOI : 10.33527/nhi2021.26.2.157
  • 136

Purpose: Through a descriptive study, we aimed to identify characteristics and trace status of needlestick injuries of health care workers in a tertiary hospital in Korea. Methods: The subjects were an analysis of secondary data on reports and medical records of 267 health care workers who were injured by needlesticks between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2018. Data were analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 program. The subjects’ general characteristics and outcomes were analyzed by descriptive statistics and statistical differences of post exposure management were analyzed by qui-square test. Results: Out of those cases 59.9% of needlestick injured health care workers were female and 58.1% were 20∼29 years old. 29.6% of needlestick injuries occurred from March to May, 42.7% were doctors and 51.7% had less than a year of career. 39.0% of needlestick injuries occured in clinical ward and 22.8% were during injection process. The most exposed area was the left hand(59.9%) and source instruments of needlestick injuries were needles(80.5%). In addition, the association between follow-up rate and exposed patients’ infection status and occupation were statistically significant. Conclusion: Based on our finding, we conclude there is a need for intensive education, follow-up, and prevention management of needlestick injuries for health care workers who are frequently exposed to such injuries in medical institutions. It is also essential to develop and implement a needlestick injury surveillance system to track, treat and prevent such injuries.

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