단동온실에서 강제환기가 열유동특성에 미치는 영향에 대한 수치해석 연구
Effect of Forced Ventilation on Thermal-flow Characteristics in Single-span Greenhouse
- 한국환경에너지공학회
- 한국환경에너지공학회 학술대회지
- 2020년 춘계학술발표회
- 2020.07
- 36 - 36 (1 pages)
With the advent of the 4th industrial revolution, smart farming technology is being introduced that can properly maintain the growing environment of crops remotely and automatically by grafting information and communication technology (ICT) to greenhouses. To maintain an appropriate growth environment for these crops, the effects of the greenhouse design parameters on these environments needs to be evaluated. In this study, the thermal and flow characteristics in the single-span greenhouse were examined with commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code. To validate the numerical method applied herein, the numerical results of the temperature distribution at several monitoring points were compared with the experimental results. The low-average error rate (0.87 to 1.90 %) between them was measured and the numerical results of the temperature distribution exhibited good agreement with the experimental data. In addition, the effect of forced ventilation on thermal-flow characteristics was evaluated. These study findings will offer appropriate data for design guidelines for greenhouses.