폐기물 합성가스로부터 수소회수를 위한 고온가스전이(HTS) 반응용 Co-Nb-CeO2 촉매의 Nb 담지량의 영향
The effect of Co-Nb-CeO2 catalyst for HTS reaction to produce H2 from waste-derived synthesis gas according to Nb loading
- 한국환경에너지공학회
- 한국환경에너지공학회 학술대회지
- 2020년 춘계학술발표회
- 2020.07
- 29 - 29 (1 pages)
In this study, it have been evaluated that the catalytic performance of Co-Nb-CeO2 catalysts with different Nb loading in HTS(High Temperature Shift; CO + H2O → CO2 + H2) reaction. The Nb promoter increases the catalytic performance in the water gas shift reaction. In addition, this promoter prevents the methanation which is a side reaction in WGS reaction. Co-Nb-CeO2 catalysts with different Nb loading have been prepared by co-precipitation method. To understand the physico-chemical properties of the catalysts, various techniques such as BET, XRD, H2-TPR are carried out. HTS reaction has been performed at severe condition with a GHSV(Gas Hourly Space Velocity) of 286,000h-1. Among the prepared catalysts, the 1.5 wt.% Nb promoted Co-Nb-CeO2 catalyst showed the highest CO conversion (Temp. = 450 oC, XCO = 86%) and the lowest CH4 selectivity than the other catalysts. This result suggests that the 1.5 wt.% Nb promoted Co-Nb-CeO2 could be used as a promising catalyst for the HTS reaction to produce hydrogen from waste-derived synthesis gas. and the 1 wt.% Nb promoted Cu-Nb-CeO2 catalyst.