최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국형 우울장애 약물치료 알고리듬 2021 (IV)

Korean Medication Algorithm Project for Depressive Disorder 2021 (IV): Female and Elderly

DOI : 10.4306/jknpa.2021.60.4.258
  • 48

Objectives An expert consensus guideline for the treatment of depressive disorder, the Korean Medication Algorithm Project for Depressive Disorder (KMAP-DD), was first established in 2002 and updated in 2017. To provide an up-to-date treatment guideline, KMAP-DD 2021 was recently completed. This study was undertaken to provide a guideline for the treatment of depressive disorder in a selected population that included females and elderly. Methods The survey conducted consisted of 7 questionnaires for each population, females and elderly, with depressive disorder. A total of 65 of 97 experienced psychiatrists answered the survey. Results For the treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, venlafaxine, and desvenlafaxine were recommended as first-line therapies. For major depressive disorder (MDD) during pregnancy, antidepressant (AD) monotherapy was recommended as a first-line therapy for mild to moderate and severe depression, and combined electroconvulsive therapy and AD with atypical antipsychotics (AAP) were recommended as a first-line therapy for severe depression with psychotic features. AD plus AAP was generally recommended for post-partum depression. In elderly with depression, AD monotherapy was recommended as the treatment of choice for mild to moderate episodes, and AD monotherapy and AD plus AAP were recommended as a first-line therapy for severe depression without psychotic features. Lastly, AD plus AAP was chosen as the treatment of choice for psychotic depression. Conclusion Present study provides an updated algorithm for the treatment of females and elderly with depressive disorders. This algorithm provides a practical aid to clinicians for the treatment of females and elderly with MDD.

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