최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

코로나19 시기의 수도권 일부 지역 공공보건서비스 방문간호사의 직무실태 및 직무스트레스

Occupational Status and Job Stress of Visiting Nurses for Public Health Services in Some Areas of the Capital During the COVID-19 Pandemic

DOI : 10.5807/kjohn.2021.30.4.232
  • 11

Purpose: This study investigated the occupational status and job stress of visiting nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Participants were 151 visiting nurses working in the public health services in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The study was conducted using a structured online questionnaire. Results: The average age of the visiting nurses was 49.5 years. A occupational period was 38.4% of the participants had worked for a period of 6-10 years and 34.5% of them had worked for a period of 11 years or more. In terms of employment type, 74.8% had permanent contracts and 13.9% had fixed terms. 93.4% of nurses were working on COVID-19-related work; and 57.6% of them were working more than 50% of their work. Each visiting nurse provided health services for a total of 436.4 cases on average and the per day count was 14.3 cases. The service was provided through home visits or phone consultations. The results of the job stress were relationship conflict (60.92±20.72), job demand (59.05±14.10), job autonomy (57.83±14.63), job instability (45.25±27.37), organizational system (44.97±17.21), workplace culture (42.71±18.00), and inadequate compensation (35.29±18.14). There was a significant difference in job stress according to the proportion of COVID-19 work was ‘workplace culture’ (p=.023), Job autonomy (p=.053) and Inappropriate compensation(p=.054). Conclusion: In order to provide a stable working environment for visiting nurses and effective public visiting health services during unexpected circumstances, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to promote progressive policies and systemic improvements.





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