최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Rediscovery of Nature in the Schoolyard for Ecological Education

  • 38

Purpose: In ecological education, the experience of connecting with nature is very important to children. If nature in the school can be brought into the site of ecological learning, it will be possible to give children an opportunity to encounter nature on a daily basis. Therefore, we need to pay attention to ecological education based on nature in schools. The purpose of this study is to confirm the effect of Ecological Education in the Schoolyard on the elementary students ecological sensitivity and their satisfactions with it. Method: Six elementary school teachers and 150 students in third grade participated in this study at M Elementary School in the urban area. For the study, student satisfaction and changes in ecological sensitivity were measured over the course of Ecological Education in the Schoolyard. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to find the factors that influenced the increase of ecological sensitivity and satisfaction Results: Through Ecological Education in the Schoolyard, students ecological sensibilities changed significantly. Most of the participating students had a very positive perception of Ecological Education in the Schoolyard. Factors influencing the increase in ecological sensitivity were satisfaction, gender, empathy for living things, engagement with nature, and passive enjoyment of nature. Satisfaction with learning had the greatest impact on the increase in ecological sensitivity. Conclusion: For ecological education, students natural experience is very important. Schoolyards contain nature in everyday spaces that are very easily accessible to students and teachers, so ecological education here has the advantage of being relatively easy and can be carried out frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the value of the schoolyard for ecological education and to make more active use of the schoolyard.

1. Introduction

2. Research Methods

3. Findings

4. Discussion & Conclusion
