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KCI등재 학술저널

놀이치료에서 부모상담의 기독상담 모델 연구

New Wineskin Model for parent counseling in play therapy

  • 82

The purpose of this research is to identify the ideal environment in which to maintain the effects of play therapy and to use this as a framework to seek the best pastoral counseling practice. This study is conducted based on one investigator’s experience in this area. Through unbiased and in depth counseling, the client’s experiences are studied using a phenomenological psychological approach and by comparing the various forms and effects of parent counseling. Twelve people consisting of parents and their children took part in this study. Based on various works in the field, the participants were divided into three different groups dependent on the situation of the participant and investigator. Group 1 consisted only of play thrapy without parent counseling (exclusive play therapy). Group 2consisted of traditional play therapy followed by fifteen minute parent counseling with follow ups with the parents for instructions and training purposes once every month or two months (play therapy with every 1, 2months parental counseling). Group 3 consisted of regular separate parent counseling sessions in addition to play therapy (play therapy with regular parental counseling). The effectiveness of counseling was not maintained in children from group 1. Although the effect of counseling was maintained in approximately 50 percent of children from group 2, they were lacking in self confidence and appeared anxious. Interestingly, the effect of treatment in children from group 3 not only lasted at least three years but the children are also showing continuous improvement over time. The reasons for the success of group 3 are the hypothesized to be the following: a) with the improvements in understanding of their children and in nurturing techniques, the parents gained confidence b) the parents gained better insight of themselves and accordingly resolved their own psychological issues c) with the improvements of their own personal relationships, of their peace of mind, and the newly found hope in life, the parents were able to provide positive nurturing environments for their children d) parents themselves became the therapist and problem–solvers for their family after the counseling. Strikingly, the importance of parent counseling are observed in all 3 groups. In conclusion, this study suggests that because the parent provides the most influential environment to the child, positive changes in the parent will allow the maintenance and improvement of the effect of play therapy. For discussion purposes, I have used the updated ‘critical correlational method’ by Don Browning. Based on these results, the researcher suggested that the pastoral counseling model of parent counseling to be named ‘New Wineskin Model.’ One must empty all aspects of idol worship, guilt, fear and wound and be filled with new knowledge, understanding, love, acceptance, forgiveness, positivity,thankfulness, self–love and self–realization. Extending the concept of neighbors will allow one to develop further interest and love of the community. Self–centeredness will extend to self-transcendence. Finally, we will be able to witness the voluntary practice of “love your neighbor as yourself.” In this manner, parent counseling has not only resulted in solving their own personal problems but it has allowed fundamental changes in their self–being.

부모상담;놀이치료;현상학적 접근;수정된 비판적 상관관계접근;새 부대 모델;Parent Counseling;Play Therapy;Phenomenological Study;Critical Correlational Method;New Wineskin Model
