최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

호스피스 상담과 기독교적 영적 돌봄

A Study of Hospice Counseling and Christian Spiritual Care

  • 103

In this study, it was concerned with the hospice counseling and spiritual care to help terminal patients to die peacefully. It also compared view of death between Korean traditional religion and Christianity. For humans, both life and death are reality. Death is neither the opposite of the life nor destroying lives. It is an appearance of life in itself and the opportunity to complete the life. Christianity helps men to save a soul as well as the human body, to get the ability to win the pain and the despair, to defeat Satan and the authority, and to receive an appointment to go to heaven and live happily ever in the future. It focused on how Hospice counselors access to terminal patients in terms of the spiritual salvation of Christianity. Christian Hospice counseling should be the spiritual care based on the Christian view of death to show the afterlife more clearly rather than the view of death in Korean traditional religious stance. In order to perform the spiritual caring successfully, Christian Hospice counselor should define his or her faith and be prepared well according to the patients’ environment. Only Christian hope and faith of life can make a comfortable and appropriate death and eliminate the fear and anxiety after death. Death can not be the fear for those who believe so it should aim to make patients convince their salvation and the heaven after death, and get peace of mind.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 한국인의 죽음관

Ⅲ. 호스피스 상담과 기독교인의 영적 돌봄

Ⅳ. 나가는 말

