최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

간호대학생의 의사소통능력, 공감능력이 대인관계능력에 미치는 영향

Effects of Communication Skills and Empathy on Interpersonal Relationship of Nursing Students

DOI : 10.37152/kmhs.2021.14.2.54
  • 256

This study was designed to identify the degree of communication skills, empathy, and interpersonal relationship of nursing students, and to investigate the effect of communication skills and empathy on interpersonal relationship. It was found that interpersonal relationship among the major variables had a significant positive correlation with communication skills (r=0.645, p<0.001), empathy (r=0.524, p<0.001). The variables that significantly influence interpersonal relationships were aptitude, interest, communication skills, and empathy, of which explanatory ability was 50.1%, and this represented that communication skills and empathy were important variables in a medical environment requiring improvement of nursing students’ communication skills. Therefore, it’s necessary to encourage nursing students to actively participate in various projects conducted in both curriculum and extra-curriculum in order to improve their communication skills and empathy and to increase the interpersonal relationship of nursing students. Based on the results, the following suggestions are made. First, it is suggested to develop and apply curriculum and intervention programs to improve communication skills and interpersonal relationship in consideration of the characteristics of nursing students. Second, since the subjects were limited to nursing students in some regions, it is recommended to conduct repeated research by expanding the number of subjects and regions in order to generalize the results.

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