대상관계이론의 목회상담 적용에 관한 소고
Study on Application of Pastoral Counseling of Object Relations Theory - Focusing on the Core Concept of Object Relations Theory -
- 한국기독교상담심리학회
- 한국기독교상담학회지
- 제20권
- : KCI등재
- 2010.11
- 187 - 225 (39 pages)
Object Relations Therapy which perceives a relationship with objects seriously focuses on emotional experience which happens in relationship with objects. Such emotional experience with objects means three years of experience after an infant is born, and signifies tightly connected experience with his or her mom who is an early stage supporter, before an infant undergoes experience with his or her dad, which is called oedipus in psychoanalysis. Object Relations Therapy, which emphasizes relationship with the early stage supporter, takes a look at the features of object representation as an important foundation of personal behaviors, as an infant internalizes experience with the early stage supporter before Oedipus Stage. Object Relations Therapy is not made by just one or two theorists. Many object relations theorists accept part of Freud’s traditional psychoanalysis therapy, and also that therapy has been developed by theorists’clinics which accentuate an importance of objects, including retouching and improving. As a result, each therapy has a variety of characteristics. So, that is the reason why Object Relations Therapy is too hard to understand individually or has discrepancy among theories. Therefore, the writer is trying to demonstrate all theories wholly combined rather than show only one theory, or introduce each theorist’s conception. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is, first, taking a great look at basic ideas about objects and human instincts which we saw in Object Relations Therapy. Second, we observe the early stage supporter’s role according to relations which are found in the key points of objects and Object Relations Therapy, and represent the factors which can be applied to pastoral counseling.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 대상관계이론과 인간본성
Ⅲ. 대상(object)에 대한 기본개념
Ⅳ. 전 오이디푸스 시기와 건강한 정신구조 형성하기 위한 양육자의 역할
Ⅴ. 목회상담의 적용
Ⅵ. 나가는 말