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KCI등재 학술저널

신학자 폴 틸리히(Paul Tillich)의 ‘죽음불안개념’에 대한 기독교 상담신학적 통찰

Insights of Christian Counseling Regarding‘ the Concept of Death Anxiety’of Theologian Paul Tillich

  • 175

The purpose of this article is to compare the cause of anxiety with the theological meaning of anxiety in Paul Tillich’s theology. In medical perspective, we assume and believe that the cause of anxiety comes from the fear which is known or is not known. But, in existential psychological views, the cause of anxiety is based on the fear of death. Most people have spent their energy to deny the fear of death and the result of it is that they don’t live their lives efficiently. The fear of death causes the neurosis of which the origin is not exactly known. Living as heroes in our society implies that we want to overcome the fear of death. Sometimes we pursue immortality or ‘need to be needed,’because we pursue these issues to overcome the fear of death. All these behaviors and issues imply that we humans indirectly know the final stage of human destiny. We are finite, thus we purse the infinite. But in theological perspective of Tillich, the cause of it is evident. We have invested time,material and energy to camouflage and to forget the fear of some things which are the most essential things of humans. Tillich points out that the cause of it is death. In order to solve the fear of death, we are asked to solve it or overcome this crisis. God is the cause of non-being and ultimate nonbeing. In this sense God is the only method to reduce the anxiety of death. For the Christian counseling to the fear of death, we Christian counselors are invited to explore the meaning of death in Tillich’s theology. Basic fear comes from the anxiety of being limited and finite, thus we sublimate the finite of being in terms of encountering the essence of absolute non-being.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 인간에게 있어서 죽음불안

Ⅲ. 맺는 글

