최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

교류분석에 대한 신학적 성찰

Theological Reflection of Transactional Analysis

  • 34

Christian counseling has been discussing the relations between theology and psychology for a long time. This discussion is very important because it is directly related to the identity of Christian counseling. Thus, many Christian counselors have conducted this discussion. This issue is focused on the theme of the ‘integration’between theology and psychology. Today,most of Christian counselors support the integration between theology and psychology. However, it has a problem that they do not carry out theological reflection properly. According to the Old testament Judges 17:6,they use psychology “as he saw fit.”Consequently, Christian counseling is confronted with problems of misusing and abusing psychology. As a result,it aroused debates on the identity of Christian counseling. Theological reflection is the minimum safeguards in preventing the confusion in the identity of Christian counseling. This theological reflection consists of theological critique and theological reframing. Theological critique is related to identity as sameness; theological reframing is related to identity as selfhood. Therefore, theological critique takes its role in sustaining Christian counseling’s unchanging part, whereas theological reframing takes its role in developing Christian counseling’s changing part. Thus, it is necessary that Christian counselors should be careful not to stick to changing part when they conduct theological critique and be careful not to change unchanging part when they conduct theological reframing. The writer chose TA(transactional analysis) as the object of theological reflection. TA holds an important place in the current psychotherapies and has been closely connected with Christianity. In the 1970’s, TA was increasingly used in American mainline Protestant denominations both in counseling and in diverse ministry. As a result, TA revealed both positive and negative consequences that could occur in the processes of applying psychology in church. This gave an opportunity for promoting theological reflection in TA and different psychotherapies. In recent years, the rising interest in TA, in Korea, made it necessary to conduct theological reflection in TA. This article attempts to apply theological reflection in TA’s philosophical presupposition such as OK-ness, autonomy and changeability. This theological reflection is theological critique of TA’philosophical presupposition. Theological critique is a process that reflects psychology critically through theological elements such as Bible, dogmas and Christian traditions. That is to say, it is a process that discovers elements of non-Christian or anti-Christian in psychology through hermeneutical lens as theology. Not only that, this process critically examines psychology based on a Christian view of the world. In this point, this article may be evaluated positively. Nevertheless, it has its limitation on that it did not reflect theological critique of TA as a whole.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 글

Ⅱ. 교류분석과 기독교

Ⅲ. 기독교 상담과 신학적 성찰

Ⅳ. 교류분석의 철학적 전제에 대한 신학적 성찰

Ⅴ. 나오는 글

