최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

철학상담의 정체성과 그 한계

The Identity and Limit of Philosophical Counseling: From the Viewpoint of Psychic Counseling

  • 88

Recently philosophical counseling attracts public attention. Philosophical counseling discussed in philosopher’s circles since 1993 may be regarded as a competitor from the viewpoint of psychic counseling circles. Unlike psychic therapy that takes neurotic anxiety as the object of therapy, philosophical counseling takes normal anxiety as the object of therapy as psychic counseling does. The purpose of this article is to provide the logical grounds of the assertion that philosophical counseling must be positioned as one of the several methods of psychic counseling. For this purpose, I will first clarify that the art of life at which philosophical counseling aims is an idea native to philosophy. Secondly, I will explain logotherapy as an example of philosophical counseling and at the same time a method of psychic counseling. Philosophical counseling taking the method of Socratic dialogue as the principle of counseling is not a therapy to a psychopathologic symptoms. Finally, I will consider the possibility and limit of philosophical counseling by comparing it with psychic counseling.

1. 서론

2. 철학상담의 기원

3. 철학상담과 로고세라피, 기독교상담

4. 심리상담과 철학상담

5. 결론

