최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

불안을 호소하는 기독교인의 심리적 현상에 대한 연구

A Study of the Psychological Phenomenon of Christians Who Complain of Anxiety

  • 34

The purpose of this study was to help understand the psychological phenomenon of Christians who complained of anxiety on the basis of phenomenological qualitative research concerning the pure world of human experience. The phenomenological research design developed by Paul Colaizzi was used for analyzing the psychological experience of anxiety in this investigation. The 6 subjects for this study were chosen from those who have felt and complained of anxiety, could express their own experience adequately, were older than 18 years, allowed the use of their cases for investigation and education, and had Christian faith. Data were collected from statements of six participants who complained of anxiety through in-depth counseling. The analysis of data revealed the following themes: unknown reason of anxiety; depressed and suicidal; bad childhood memories; anxious and confused by family troubles; unworthiness and guiltiness felt for not controlling anger; emptiness and loneliness always felt; impatience and tenseness showed easily; fear of failure at works; fear of personal relationships; regret about the past; come to accept themselves and be healed partially through conversation and counseling; calmness in the heart and a transition in thinking through prayer and meditation on the Word; have a desire to serve the needy and to live a balanced life. This study found the psychological phenomenon of Christians who complain of anxiety, the factors of family problems, and discovered effective therapeutic ways through counseling, prayer, meditation on the Word, and serving others. Therefore, further in-depth study need to be done to investigate the relationship between anxiety and family problems, and relationship between anxiety and counselor. In addition, the therapeutic relations between anxiety and faith, between anxiety and the pursuit of meaningful life, and between anxiety and the expansion of consciousness need to be investigated in future research.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 불안에 대한 이해

Ⅲ. 불안을 호소하는 기독교인의 심리적 현상에 대한 접근

Ⅴ. 불안을 호소하는 기독교인의 발견된 심리적 현상과 치료적 암시

Ⅵ. 나가는 말

