최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

기독교상담학, 고난에 대한 해석

Suffering and Christian Counseling: Based on a Single Case Study

  • 135

This study aimed to explore how could a Christian client in counseling interpret and overcome sufferings in the process of Christian counseling. The study method applied was a content analysis for single case based on a ground theory. The research participant had a single session of Christian counseling with this researcher in 2001. The main problem he complained was a powerlessness and numbness in a everyday life. In the process of counseling, it was known to him that his father’s severe physical violence s deeply related to his critical problem. Finishing the session, he was greatly aware about that he had distorted God’s image, which was not loving and good. With this insight, he joined a military service and he had another very severe physical abuse by his seniors. However he overcame this pain with a power of faith in God who is love and almighty. As the result, it was found that his perspective on suffering can be described such as suffering as ‘a tool of training’, ‘a prevention for further suffering’, ‘a participation in spiritual battle as a Christ’s disciple’, and‘ God’s grand provision in his life’.

I. 단일사례 연구의 배경

II. 기독교상담: 구속사, 언약을 중심으로 한 이야기의 재구성

III. 성경적 고난관

IV. 단일사례에 드러난 고난관

V. 결론: 기독교상담과 고난에 대한 해석

