최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

목회자 사모의 정신건강과 상담에 대한 요구도 연구

Study on the Mental Health of the Pastors’Wives and their Demand for Counseling

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The purpose of this study is to find out the demand of counseling for pastors’wives and to collect the specific information for the development of the counseling program for pastors’wives. The study put in effect at a church in Seoul on May, 2007 to 726 pastors’wives. The Demand of Counseling Inventory and Beck Depression Inventory were surveyed to determine the demography, stress factors and solutions in families and churches, and their degree of depression. The results are as follows: 1. Based of the result of the demography, stress factor and solutions: First, for the motive to become a pastor’s wife, the 43.9% answered it was their decision and the 39.5% answered ‘followed the husband’s decision without my will.’ Second, the 42.7% answered “I’m not healthy”or “Not healthy enough.” Third, the most stressful fact in themselves or families was the‘ financial issue’and in the church was“ the growth of the church”. For the solutions for their psychological difficulties, the most answered “praying and read bible,”next was “discuss with husband”and the least number of pastors’wives chose “counseling with a professional”as a way to solve their problem. 2. The result on the demand for the counseling program are as follows: First, the 17.6% experienced a professional counseling and 78.1% answered “Strongly needed”and “needed.” Second, the 90.9% of the participated pastors’wives said they were willing to participate in the counseling program. Third, they wanted the professional pastors’wives’counselor the most as the facilitator. The top issue they wish to discuss was the“ issues with my husband.” 3. Based on BDI, the 59.9% answered they were depressed and among them, the 10% showed the acute degree of depression. In summary, pastors’wives face difficulties in their role, calling, health and financial situation. The stress factors and their feeling of depression are at a serious level and showed high demand for counseling and willing to participate, however, they have lack enough opportunities to participate in a counseling program. Therefore, the need to develop a group counseling program to reduce the stress level and/or their depression for pastors’wives are at an high demand. This study has significant implications in that the pastors’wives have reported their need for a counseling program, and based on this result, the further counseling program for the pastors’wives may be developed and practiced.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 연구방법

Ⅳ. 연구결과

Ⅴ. 논의

