최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Gottman 이론을 중심으로 한국 부부의 심리적 특성 연구

A Study about the Characteristics of the Sound Korean Couples Based on Gottman’s Theory

  • 82

This study attempted to find out the characteristics of the healthy Korean couples based on Gottman’s scientific theory about marriage. The package of questionaries were administered to the five hundred couples and four hundred eighty nine couples’data were used for the statistical analysis. The results were follows: 1. There were negative correlations between length of marriage and age of the couples, and marital satisfaction. For example, the couples reported that they felt more marital dissatisfaction with each other when they lived longer together. However, there was positive correlation between the length of courtship and marital satisfaction. The wives’marital satisfaction was significantly lower than that of husbands’. 2. The husbands showed statistically higher scores on love map and meaning of life than the wives. This means that men claim that they know better about their wives’needs, and think more important of their marriage vice versa. 3. Eight factors showed the meaningful correlations with marital dissatisfaction. For example, the problems with love-map, creating shared meaning, fondness and admiration, four horsemen(criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling), soft start-up, accepting influence, and compromise factors contributed negatively to the marital satisfaction. 4. The fondness and admiration factors among the eight variables predicted marital dissatisfaction best. Other factors such as spending time together, negative communication styles, and accepting spouse influence in order reasonably predicted the marital dissatisfaction.





