최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

기독교 상담의 통합에 관한 모델과 영역에 관한 개요

An Overview of the Contents and Models of Integration in Christian Counseling

  • 66

This article deals with two different areas of content and structure of integration between Christianity and psychology even though the concept of integration has not been established clearly. The confusion of the concept of integration makes us see the contents and structures of integration in order to assess the current position of integration in the development of Christian counseling. The content contains the history of integration, the concepts of integration, the areas of integration, and the issues of integration. The structure contains the various approaches on integration and a comparison of the various models of Christian counseling. The models of Christian counseling can be named as secular counseling, humanistic counseling, parallel counseling, integrated counseling, and spiritualized counseling through the comparison of the studied models of Christian counseling. This spectrum has been established from the perspective of structure of integration between Christianity and psychology. From the content point of view of integration, the Christian counseling can be named as discipline integration, skill integration, faith integration, concept integration, and life integration.

Ⅰ. 서문

Ⅱ. 통합의 내용

Ⅲ. 통합의 모델들

Ⅳ. 결론

