최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

유머의 기독교상담적 이해

Understanding of Humor in Christian Counseling

  • 40

This research is about humor in Christian counseling. This study dealt with effectiveness, function, limitation, and methods of using humor for effective Christian counseling. This research also, indicates dangerous things on wrong humor. This researcher presents the Biblical concept and truthful humor. Profits of humor are as followings: client’s relaxation, client’s resistance decrease, intimate relation formation with a client, and psychological interaction between a counselor and a client. Even though humor has a lot of merits, humor has some limitations. If a counselor uses humor insincerely. Humor is unable to solve client’s fundamental problems. Using humor is to be able to dilute psychological and spiritual problems. Effective methods of humor are reversal effect, self openness effect, relaxation effect in counseling. Inappropriate humors in counseling are desultory humor, and self exhibitionism. Humor ought to be a mean of counseling.

I. 여는 글

II. 펴는 글

III. 닫는 글

