최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

혼전 동거와 기독교 상담적 태도

Pre-marital Cohabitation and Attitude of Christian Counseling

  • 60

It appears that current collegians pre-marital cohabitation(PMC) has spreaded out widely all over the Korea due to young generation’s sexual openness and change of marital perception. Previously, most of the PMC was a kind of postpone of marriage because of mainly economical reasons or parental disapproval. However, recent trend of PMC at one room officetel atmosphere around universities was due to various reasons such as loneliness out of home, saving of living expenses, and sexual desire needs. Therefore, this article was focused on the review of previous researches for PMC, and exploratory studies on the attitudes of Christian counseling. Here are some guiding principles with which Christian counselor may approach in terms of previously discussed context when the visiting clients of PMC appear at the counseling office. First, Christian counselor should make rapport with acceptance of the PMC couples. When the trust relationship forms, the PMC couple can remember there is a counselor who are caring and supporting for themselves. Second, Christian counselor should present the biblical value that PMC is not based on the blessing promise binding couples in front of GOD. Third, without biblical devotion, the PMC couple relationship may hurt the keen intimacy and stability, and also there may be a high probability of separation. Finally, Christian counselor must have the firmness to follow the biblical guiding principles, and also the supportive open mind to accept all kind of clients according to God’s grace. For those reasons Christian counselor should have the biblical viewpoints of marriage, at the same time, need to live according to the biblical values. In addition, the counselor may help the PMC couple to proceed to the promising love, blessings, truth, and life. This may be the sole privilege of Christian counselors.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 글

Ⅱ. 혼전 동거의 이론적 고찰

Ⅲ. 혼전 동거에 대한 기독교 상담적 태도

Ⅳ. 나가는 글

