중년남성의 위기와 일중독
The crisis of middle age and workaholic
- 한국기독교상담심리학회
- 한국기독교상담학회지
- 제12권
- : KCI등재
- 2006.11
- 23 - 41 (19 pages)
The article presents a brief review of the existing research on workaholism and offer a typology of workaholism among Korean male midlifers. This typology, which is based on the level of work initiation and work completion as measured by WART test and intensive interviews after group sessions, indicates 4 types of workaholics: restlessness, perfectionist, escapism, and attention-deficit. Based on the results, implications of this typology for pastoral counseling are proposed.
I. 들어가며
II. 일중독의 정의와 특징
III. 한국중년남성의 일중독 특성
IV. 일중독에 대한 치료적 접근
V. 나가는 말
부록-Work Addiction Risk Test: 일중독 위험 테스트 자가 진단표)