주의력결핍과잉행동장애를 지닌 교회학교 아동들을 위한 상담프로그램의 개발
Development of counseling program for church school children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- 한국기독교상담심리학회
- 한국기독교상담학회지
- 제11권
- : KCI등재
- 2006.05
- 145 - 168 (24 pages)
The purpose of this study is to develop counseling program for the children who show the tendency of Attention-deficit hyperactivity in church school setting. The children counseling program is designed to reduce the primary symptoms and behavior problems to enhance appropriate skills and behaviors of the church school children with attention-deficit hyperactivity tendency. The children counseling program developed for this study is designed based on cognitive-behavior therapy for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) children by Braswell and Bloomquist, integrating multi-components like social problem solving, self-esteem, anger control ability, and so forth. In addition to that program, Christian spiritual contents like God loves us unconditionally, God never gives us up were added. The children counseling program was made up to be practiced twice a week for 6 weeks(total 12 sessions). The main focus of this study is that the church school-based children counseling program was made for high risk group of children who show the tendency of Attention-deficit hyperactivity. This study implies a meaningful fact that church school-based children counseling program can reduce children s behavior problems and improve children s appropriate skills and behaviors. And this study also suggests church school can have a new role not only in Christian education but also in cultural and counseling functions for high risk children.
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