목회상담에서 신학과 심리학의 관계
Relation between theology and psyhcology in pastoral counseling
- 한국기독교상담심리학회
- 한국기독교상담학회지
- 제11권
- : KCI등재
- 2006.05
- 79 - 106 (28 pages)
The purpose of the article is to suggest a desirable method to harmonize Christian traditional faith (theology) and psychological insights in pastoral counseling. There are many models which explain about the relation between theology and psychology such as against model, parallels model, of model, and integrate model. However, the integrate model is chosen as the best one to explain about the relation between these two areas and Don Browning s approach is selected and analyzed to suggest a integrate model. Browning s method to bridge the gap between theology and psychology recognizes how both faith tradition and psychology are interactive and mutually influential, and presents a way to hold theology and psychology in creative tension to avoid the abuses of both. Browning s revised correlation method which allows a critical dialogue between theology and psychology is evaluated as his contribution to modern pastoral counseling. For Browning, major reason to have a dialogue between psychology and theology is to establish ethical norms which causes confusion in people s lives that can bring mental illness. An important task of pastoral counseling is to establish ethical norms, without returning to moralism to care for people most effectively. For this task, he suggest five dimensions of practical moral reasoning. However, Browning s focus on ethical norms in pastoral counseling is too narrow to treat all the problems people meet in their life situations, even if it is an important part in pastoral counseling. Beyond any intellectual pursuit of theological ethics, Christians want to experience the living God. This metaphor influences more deeply a person s ethical decision. It must be remembered, therefore, that persons form their identities and make most of their normative choices, metaphorically, on the basis of their faith, rather than by practical moral reasoning.
I. 들어가며
II. 신학과 심리학의 관계에 대한 다양한 견해
III. 통합적 관점에서 신학과 심리학의 관계: 브라우닝을 중심으로
IV. 나가는 말