전인건강과 영성 상담
Holistic wellness(well-being) and spiritual counseling
- 한국기독교상담심리학회
- 한국기독교상담학회지
- 제11권
- : KCI등재
- 2006.05
- 9 - 36 (28 pages)
Holistic Wellness is described that make enrichment and de-velopment one s potentiality and possibility in positive approach not to approach negatively in past times. And this concept is to make level of holistic wellness of whole person highly in the di-verse aspects of human life. WHO(World Health Organization, 1958) mentioned Health is a physical, mental, and social well-being. not merely the absence of disease or infirmity and directed to holistic well-being includ-ing with spirituality as a center of wellness. In the common point of major wellness(well-being) theo-ries(Clinebell, Whittmer, Chander etc.) is to make focus in spiritu-ality as a center of whole person and to make enrich a spirituality and holistic relationship. Spirituality of holistic person should be develop through the recovery and enrichment of holistic relation-ship and establish with real selfness and harmony of diverse as-pects of whole person. Then, the Spiritual counseling is to be summed up as below : 1. the counseling that be built up in the Biblical basis and framework of Christian Spirituality. 2. the counseling that establish in the relationship of counse-lee with God is the core principle of counseling. 3. the counseling that emphasize in the relationship of coun-selee with counselor intimately and personly. 4. the counseling that approach to the understanding of counselee s wholeness and recovery of God s image. 5. the counseling that usage to diverse resource of the Christian community ; Bible, prayer, worship, sacrament, medi-tation, fasting, spiritual exercise etc. 6. the counseling that accept in theories and methods of gen-eral counseling theories selectly in the principle of Christianity. 7. the counseling that help counselee being a disciple to change, growth, serve and commit with God and God s community. 8. the counseling that be processed in the diverse aspects of counselee s life ; home, office, society, etc, as well as church community. 9. the counseling that include in Christian counseling of the lay counselor, para-professional and professional counselor, as well as Pastoral counseling. 10. the counseling that purpose to counselee s wellness through the recovery of holistic relationship ; self, others, soci-ety, world, nature, God. Therefore, there are the missions and tasks of Spiritual counseling for one s holistic wellness (well-being) in these times. First, the mission and task of Spiritual counseling is the the-oretical study of Christian spirituality and spiritual counseling in the basis of Biblical principle and healthy theology. Second, the mission and task of Spiritual counseling is the study of positive approaches of psychology and counseling: hap-piness, wellness, well-being, ability, flow, spirituality, empower-ment, satisfaction, potentiality, etc. Thirdly, the mission and task of Spiritual counseling is the development of diverse spiritual counseling program for the en-richment of one s holistic wellness and spirituality : holistic rela-tionship, holistic maturity, promote of empowerment, satisfaction of life, enrichment of potentiality, etc.
I. 들어가며
II. 전인건강(Wellness)과 영성(Spirituality)과의 관계
III. 영성(Spirituality)과 영성상담(Spirituality Counseling)
IV. 나가는 말