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KCI등재 학술저널

신앙적사고(Faith Thinking)로의 전환을 통한 크리스챤 우울증 인지치료

Christian Therapy for Depression through Cognitive Conversion to Faith Thinking

  • 47

Many researches of depression therapy have been continually studied in diverse ways. Freudian approach to depression which considers it as mourning for loss and internalization of aggression has been predominantly accepted in treatment. Depression is basically classified as mood disorder and placed in the division of affective/emotional disorder according to DSM-III-R과 DSM-IV revised many times by APA (American Psychiatric Association) As shown in the existing mental dynamic model, it is true that cognitive process-thinking-has been overlooked with depression while emotional factor, unconsciousness, hostility, and guilty conscience have been overemphasized with. But A.T. Beck and his coworkers entered on a new phase of depression therapy through the clinical experiences and experimental studies. The importance of thinking in depression treatment is revealed in a fresh light as a result of many experimental researches by the clinical therapists. Aaron Beck and cognitive therapists make an opinion that the primary cause of depression comes from distorted negative thinking. Meanwhile, modern psychiatric or mental therapeutic approaches classifies depression to mood disorder, affective/emotional disorder. In other words, cognitive therapists holds on the point that the main cause of depression is cognitive distortion/thinking disorder rather than mood/emotional disorder. It stands on the point that depression is originated from cognitive distortion which shows a consistent pattern of paying attention selectively to a group of specific negative stimulations among many various informations and others. Consequently the frame of this research is based on the cognitive model of A. T. Beck which holds a change of personal emotion and behavior is resulted from human thinking. But the process of depression therapy in cognitive model emphasizes correcting thinking from irrational to reasonable, but it is not enough for Christian approach to depression which needs a further phase, a faith thinking . Actually depression is not resulted mainly from activating events in the past but more from distorted or negative thinking. Therefore the depression can be healed when they determine to convert themselves from distorted negative thinking to faith thinking; from falling on the past to here and now; and from depending on somebody to themselves. And also conversion of thinking above should move on toward the wholistic healing through encountering the absolute existence in advance of the cognitive therapy. The goal of pastoral counselling for depression is the cognitive conversion to faith thinking.

I. 들어가는 말

II. 아론 벡(Aaron T. Beck)의 인지 치료에 의한 우울증 이해

III. 인지 치료의 기독교적 적용

IV. “신앙적 사고”의 내용

V. “신앙적 사고”(Faith Thinking)로의 전환을 통한 우울증 치료

VI. 나가는 말

