최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

松菊里文化의 傳播와 聚落網

The Spread of the Songguk-ri Culture and its Settlement Web

DOI : 10.47439/JKRAS.2021.4.413
  • 649

송국리문화는 수전농경을 수반한 외래계 문물(독립동지주건물, 저장혈, 토기가마, 옹관묘, 송국리식토기, 타날기법, 중국식 저부, 石錘)과 토착계 문물(송국리유형주거지, 석관묘, 유구석부, 유경식석검, 삼각형석도 등) 이 융합한 산물이다. 기원전 10~5세기에 걸쳐 호서해안지역을 시작하여 주변으로 확산되었다. 본 연구는 송국리문화의 문물을 통하여 송국리유형주거지가 조영된 취락의 문화지수를 산출하고, 시군단위의 평균치로써 송국리문화지수 등고선을 작성하였다. 그 결과 등고선 형태로써 7개의 지역권과 등고의고저를 통하여 문화전파의 루트를 찾을 수 있었다. 문화의 확산은 해안루트와 내륙루트가 있으며, 내륙루트는 각 권역 내에서의 전파이고, 해안루트는 중서부지역에서 전남서부권과 남강유역권으로의 전파가 중심이다. 여기에서 다시 제주권과 여수권으로 2차 해상전파가 이루어진다. 내륙루트도 중서부지역권에서 김천-거창권으로 다시 대구권으로 전파된다. 그리고 유적의 분포로써 다수의 취락공동체를 묶고 문화지수를 위계화하여 상・하위취락의 사회망을 검토하였으나, 중서부지역권을 제외한 주변지역에서는 상관성이 드러나지 않았다.

The Songguk-ri culture can be characterized as the product of the convergence of foreign and local paddy-field agricultural communities, the former represented by shrines, storage pits, earthenware kilns, jar burials, Songguk-ri style pottery, the forming of vessels using the beating technique, Chinese-style vessel bases, and stone weights, and the latter by Songguk-ri style dwellings, stone coffin burials, grooved adzes, tanged daggers, and triangular harvesting stone knives. Throughout the period from the 10th to 5th century BCE, the Songguk-ri culture spread from the coastal areas of the Hoseo region to nearby areas. This paper presents the results of research in which a ‘Songguk-ri culture index’ was developed for on settlements featuring Songguk-ri style dwellings and contour map was drawn, based on the average value of the index for each local administrative district. Based on this approach, seven areas could be distinguished and differences in the heights of their contours was used to infer the routes through which Songguk-ri culture spread. The Songguk-ri culture took place via both coastal routes and inland routes. While the spread of this culture through inland routes was restricted to a regional scale, coastal routes facilitated the spread of this culture from the southern regions of South Jeolla Province to the Nam River region, and the subsequent secondary spread to Jeju and Yeosu. The inland routes facilitated the spread from the mid-western region to the Gimcheon-Geochang region, and then again to Daegu. Within each regional unit, different settlements were grouped together according to the distributions of artifacts in each region, and the settlement web was defined in accordance with the cultural index hierarchy of communities.

I. 머리말

II. 松菊里文化 指數 等高線

Ill. 松菊里文化의 傳播經路와 緊落網

IV. 맺음말
