최근 검색어 전체 삭제

음악 감상을 통한 학생들의 정서적 반응 표현 연구

A Study on the Expression of Student s Emotional Response through Music Appreciation: Focusing on Music that Represents the Seasons

  • 175

The purpose of this study is to explore the emotional responses and emotional states of students through listening to seasonal music. After listening to music, it was analyzed whether one s emotions and psychological states were accurately recognized and reacted, and whether they were properly expressing themselves through seasons, colors, and emotional vocabulary. In addition, the ultimate purpose was to cultivate musical competence by learning the background, composition, content, and characteristics of a song by listening to or searching for new music that learners might be interested in through various music listening experiences. The research method was to express the feelings and emotions that came to mind immediately after listening to 10 pieces of music composed of classical music and several genres of music in various ways. As a result of the research analysis, first, the seasons expressed according to the tone of the instrument were different. The tone of the string instrument was found to be reminiscent of spring , and the tone of the piano was found to be reminiscent of summer and winter . Also, electronic music with lyrics did not show consistent seasonality. Among the musical elements, consistent results were not obtained in terms of tempo and tonality. Second, the colors associated with each season were different. Students associated yellow with spring, blue for summer, orange for fall, and black and blue for winter. Third, electronic music with lyrics, such as popular music, expressed more diverse emotional vocabulary than classical or instrumental music. In general, words related to music were 7-8 words, but popular music showed a frequency of 10-11 word selection, and it was analyzed that various emotions appeared because there were many stimulating factors. Through this, it was confirmed that students could relate to the seasons, feel emotions, and express various emotions through music appreciation. Nowadays, we listen to music in all areas of our daily life. In school education, differentiated appreciation education should be taught so that listening can become appreciation rather than general listening. Therefore, the suggestions through this study are as follows. First, music appreciation and activity classes that can cultivate various expressions and emotions should be conducted. Second, it is necessary for teachers to research and plan appreciation activities so that they can feel the artistic value and beauty of music works.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 음악 감상과 정서적 반응 관련 연구

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

Ⅳ. 연구결과 분석

Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언
