이 연구는 숲유아교육과 지속가능발전교육은 어떠한 연관성을 가지고 있는가를 숲유아교육 관계자들의 인식을 통해서 살펴보고, 지속가능발전교육으로의 숲유아교육 실천 가능성을 모색해 봄으로써 숲유아교육의 발전 방향에 대한 기초자료를 제공하는 데 목적이 있다. 숲유아교육 관계자 5명을 대상으로 한 면담 결과 첫째, 숲유아교육의 목적은 인간과 인간, 인간과 자연과의 관계를 경험하고 비판함으로써 인간과 자연을 이해하고 존중하는 가치를 형성할 수 있도록 돕는 것으로서 지속가능발전교육이 지향하는 가치를 담고 있었다. 둘째, 숲유아교육과정은 녹색성장교육의 개념을 담고 있는 누리과정을 기초로 하는 경향성이 있는데, 녹색성장교육은 지속가능발전교육임을 분명히 하고 있기 때문에 그 연관성이 짙다. 셋째, 숲유아교육은 간학문적 통합, 자기 주도적 직접체험, 능동적 의사소통의 교수-학습방법 등을 지향하고 있었는데, 이는 지속가능발전교육이 역량을 기르는 교육으로서 알기 위한 학습, 행동하기 위한 학습, 함께 살기 위한 학습, 존재하기 위한 학습 등을 근본적인 학습유형으로 삼고 있는 것과 유사하였다.
The purpose of this study was to inform the direction of further developments in early-childhood education in forests by examining the relationship between forest kindergartens and the education for sustainable development. Educators’ perceptions of early-childhood education in forests and its applicability to the education for sustainable development were explored. Five individuals concerned with early-childhood education in forests were interviewed, and the summary of the interview is as follows: the purpose of forest schools and kindergartens was to (1) help children develop values to understand and respect human beings and nature by experiencing and critically analyzing interpersonal and human-nature relationships, and (2) develop values that encourage sustainable development practices. The curriculum of the early-childhood education in forests tended to be based on the Nuri Curriculum that reflects the objectives of green growth education. This is closely related to early-childhood education in forests that takes a comprehensive approach toward advocating sustainable development in childhood, not only from an environmental perspective but also from economic and social viewpoints. Thus, it clearly defines itself as the education for sustainable development. Moreover, early-childhood education in forests aimed at interdisciplinary instruction, self-initiated direct experience, student-centered methods based on active communication, etc. For goals related to cultivating competencies, forest schools and kindergartens were similar to the approach adopted by the education for sustainable development in that it emphasizes knowledge acquisition and application, skill development, and personality and all round development, as the fundamental types of learning.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 숲유아교육의 목적, 내용, 방법에 대한 인식
Ⅳ. 지속가능발전교육과 숲유아교육
Ⅴ. 결론