최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

청소년 액상형 전자담배 사용 영향 요인

Factors Influencing of E-cigarette Current Vaping among Adolescents

DOI : 10.33527/nhi2022.27.1.59
  • 44

Purpose: This study aims to identify the factors affecting current vaping of e-cigarettes in adolescents. Methods: The participants of this study were 26,480 middle and high school students enrolled in the 2021 Student Smoking and Drinking Survey by the Busan Metropolitan City Office of Education. The data were analyzed by frequency, mean and standard deviation, chi-square test and logistic regression analysis through the SPSS 27.0 program. Results: The current vaping of e-cigarettes was 0.3% in middle school, 1.0% in general high school, and 3.7% in specialized vocational high school. Factors influencing e-cigarette current vaping are specialized vocational high school (OR 13.29, CI 9.25∼19.09), male students (OR 3.07, CI 2.30∼4.09), school records (OR 0.44, CI 0.33∼0.59), subjective health awareness (OR 0.59, CI 0.45∼0.76), subjective happiness (OR 0.49, CI 0.38∼0.63), stress perception (3.OR 74)2., aggression 15, CI 1.67∼2.(OR 76)2.58, , anxiety CI 1.97∼3.(OR 1.36)86, , tobacco CI 1.40∼2.smoking 48), depression experience (OR (OR 2.407.57, CI 64, 1.CI 95∼3.240.85∼689.38), impulsiveness 94), tobacco (OR current 2.83, CI smoking 1.95∼(OR 544.71, CI 377.51∼785.94), second-hand smoking at home (OR 1.95, CI 1.49∼2.57), and second-hand smoking in public places (OR 3.33, CI 2.51∼4.43), and these factors were the explanation for 21.7% of adolescents current vaping of e-cigarettes. Conclusion: These results will have an impact on long-term changes in school smoking prevention education and can be used as basic data for formulating smoking-related systems and policies for adolescents.


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